NERC | Northeast Recycling Council - Connecticut
Contact: KC Alexander, (860) 424-3365,

All permits or approvals for composting facilities must be secured prior to operation. DEP strongly recommends that operators of composting facilities which do not require permits contact the DEP Recycling program for technical assistance.

With Respect to Solid Waste Management Permits:

* Composting is considered a volume reduction activity.
* A composting facility requires a solid waste volume reduction permit only if the processing capacity of the facility exceeds 1 ton/hour.
* Stockpiling raw organic materials on-site for longer than 45 days constitutes disposal and would require all appropriate disposal facility permits including groundwater discharge permits from the Water Management Bureau.
* Composting facilities which process only leaves and sheet leaf composting activities are exempt from needing solid waste volume reduction and water discharge permits provides they register with and/or notify the department on forms specified by the Commissioner.
* Composting facilities are required to report to DEP on such things as volume received, residue produced, markets used etc. Facility operators should consult their individual permit conditions and appropriate regulations for specific requirements.

With Respect to Water Protection Permits:

* The need for a wastewater discharge permit as it relates to composting facilities is typically decided on a case-by-case basis.
* Actual or potential discharge should be eliminated as a pollution prevention measure whenever possible.
* Composting activities at POTW's are generally regulated through NPDES permits.
* Registration for a storm water discharge general permit may be required


AWMP: Agricultural Waste Management Plan.
NPDES: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
POTW: Publicly Owned Treatment Works.
UIC: Underground Injection Control.

The following is a summary of CT DEP Waste and Water Bureau permits and approvals that may be required for composting operations (see note*).
Type of Material

Where Material Is Generated

Where Material Is Composted

Type of

Permit or Approvals Needed
Material On-site On-site Source Separated Organic Materials Operation (enclosed) Solid Waste Volume Reduction Permit only if >1 tph
Material On-site On-site Source
Materials Operation
(not enclosed) Solid Waste Volume Reduction Permit only if >1 tph and UIC Permit or AWMP**
Material Off-site Off-site Volume Reduction
Facility (enclosed) Solid Waste Volume Reduction Permit only if >1 tph
Material Off-site Off-site Volume Reduction
Facility (not enclosed) Solid Waste Volume Reduction Permit only if >1 tph and UIC Permit or AWMP**
Solid Waste Off-site Off-site Volume Reduction
Facility (enclosed) Solid Waste Volume Reduction Permit only if >1 tph and certificate of need.
Solid Waste Off-site Off-site Volume Reduction
Facility (not enclosed) Solid Waste Volume Reduction Permit only if >1 tph and certificate of need and UIC Permit
Leaves Off-site Off-site Leaf
Composting Facility Registration through Recycling Program
Leaves Off-site On-farm Sheet Leaf Composting Location Notification through Recycling Program
Agricultural Waste On-farm On-farm On-site Agricultural Composting Facility Agricultural Waste Management Plan**
Agricultural Waste On-farm Off-farm Volume Reduction
Facility Solid Waste Volume Reduction Permit only if >1 tph may need UIC Permit
Agricultural Waste Off-farm On-farm Volume Reduction Facility Solid Waste Volume Reduction Permit only if >1 tph.
May need UIC permit.
With Bulking Agent On-site On-site Publicly
Works NPDES Permit Amendment and EPA 503 Permit
With Bulking Agent On-site Off-site Volume Reduction
Facility Solid Waste Volume Reduction Permit and EPA 503 Permit

*This table is intended to guide staff and potential applicants as to the waste and/or water permits or approvals that may be required for specific types of composting facilities. The information provided herein is not to be relied upon as an accurate and complete description or interpretation of the provisions in any solid waste or water protection regulation. It is also not meant to cover every scenario that may arise. The DEP strongly recommends that anyone who is currently operating or interested in establishing a composting facility become familiar with pertinent regulations on statutes and contact the appropriate staff person for technical assistance prior to final decision.

**Must demonstrate that composting is an integral part of the farming operation.

Contact Information

139 Main Street, Suite 401
Brattleboro, VT 05301
Phone: 802-254-3636
Fax: 802-254-5870
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